Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio

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The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC), as National Authority for Consumer Protection, imposed a fine of $284,200,000 COP (approximately...

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The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), are pleased to announce that entries are...

logo de premio nacional al inventor colombiano

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, as the National Consumer Protection Authority of Colombia, issued an administrative order to a tourist...

Avión despegando

In a significant exhibition of international collaboration, a successful webinar titled "Towards a Safety Future: Innovation in Product Safety...

grupo de personas hablando sentadas

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce, as national consumer protection authority, through Resolution 23273, sanctioned PROMOTORA CALLE 47,...

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce SIC, as National Authority of Consumer Protection, opened an investigation to the mobile phone service...

Internacional Acordion

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) is a public authority and a technical agency attached to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism of Colombia. It is organized into six principal divisions (named “Deputy Superintendences”), each headed by a Deputy Superintendent: Competition Protection, Consumer Protection, Personal Data Protection, Industrial Property, Technical Regulation and Legal Metrology, and Judicial Affairs.


Ms. Cielo Elainne Rusinque Urrego was appointed by the President of Colombia, Gustavo Petro Urrego, as Superintendent of Industry and Commerce of Colombia.


About International Affairs Group

The International Affairs Group (IAG) of the SIC is responsible for the oversight and management of international relations with counterpart authorities and international organizations in relation to I) industrial property, II) competition protection, II) consumer protection, III) personal data protection, IV) jurisdictional affairs and V) legal metrology and technical regulations.


Cooperation is focused on the exchange of experiences and best practices, as well as technical assistance among the various international actors, according to the highest international standards and the best practices of prevention and enforcement adopted around the world.


We also contribute extensively to the work of the key international organizations and networks to address existing and emerging challenges, and to promote our priorities. This collaboration provides us with valuable information and insight into regulatory practices and emerging issues overseas.

Cielo Elainne Rusinque Urrego
Superintendent of Industry and Commerce
María Paula Ávila González
International Affairs Advisor
Alejandra Arteta Llanos
International Affairs Coordinator / Liaison for Industrial Property and for jurisdictional matters
Diana Restrepo Gómez
Liaison for Legal Metrology and Technical Regulations
Andrea Martínez Gutiérrez
Liaison for Competition Protection and Consumer Protection
Jonier Alberto Quiceno Ceballos
Liaison for International Data Protection
Mauricio Romero Ramírez
Administrative support

Temas Sic

Deputy Superintendences

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icon of three full-body humans, with a background image of two people shaking hands



icon of a full body human next to the dollar sign, background image of fruits and vegetables in a supermarket



computer icon and human in the same icon, with a background image of a lady reading a page and in front of a computer



hammer justice icon, with a background image of a man in a suit with his hand pointing at a pc



icon of a weight scale, with a background photo showing 500 kg

Legal Metrology and

Technical Regulations