Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio

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Jurisdiccional Affairs



The Deputy Superintendence for Jurisdictional Affairs is responsible for handling legal proceedings established by citizens (related to disputes between two parties) on the following issues: i) the protection of consumers, ii) unfair competition practices and iii) infringement of industrial property rights.

In those cases, The SIC acts as a judge of Colombia and the decisions taken in this context can only be revised by the Superior Court in Bogotá. The Superintendent of Industry and Commerce doesn´t participate in any part of the cases or its ruling.


  • Andean Community (CAN) 
  • The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


Deputy Superintendent for Jurisdiccional Affairs


Lawyer from the Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Santa Marta, specialized in Commercial Law from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and in state responsibility from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. Candidate to Magister of the Universitat de València in Valencia (Spain), of the Official Master in Law, Business and Justice. Expert in the areas of competition law, industrial property and consumer law.

Contact point for international affairs

Alejandra Arteta Llanos


Liaison for Industrial Property


Enlace de Interés Secundario - Internacional