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ICPEN Presidency

The Network operates under a rotating presidency. An advisory group composed in the following manner supports each year’s President: (i) Presidency troika –current, former and future Presidents–, (ii) nominated representatives from within the membership, seeking geographical representation and rotating participation of different member organizations.


The International Consumer Protection Enforcement Network (ICPEN) is a membership organization consisting of consumer protection law enforcement authorities from across the globe. ICPEN provides a forum for developing and maintaining regular contact between consumer protection agencies and focusing on consumer protection concerns. By encouraging cooperation between agencies ICPEN aims to enable its members to have a greater impact with their consumer laws and regulations.

Presidency Functions

According with the Memorandum of Understanding, the President is in charge of:

  •  Hosting at least one conference for Members, Partners and Observers,
  •  at which they will review and plan the activities of the Network.

           Leading the Advisory Group.

  •   Maintaining the list of Network contacts up to date and circulate new versions on

            a regular basis.

  •   Acting as a focal point for information regarding the operation of the Network itself.
  •   Providing a central address, telephone and fax number to which all notifications

            regarding the list of Network contacts should be sent.