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“Advertising and Law”: key topics discussed during the latest consumer congress hosted by the SIC

“Advertising and Law”: key topics discussed during the latest consumer congress hosted by the SIC

The Superintendent of Industry and Commerce, Pablo Felipe Robledo Del Castillo, installed on November 3, 2016, the “Congress on Advertising and Law”, which was organized by this Entity in Bogotá city. The event brought together international experts and authorities in this field, as well as lawyers and academic community, who socialized new practices in advertising self-regulation and exposed challenges that this industry must face regarding the new groups of consumers.

During the first day of the event, the speakers agreed about the importance voluntary rules have in advertising, since such rules outline the limits advertisers must respect in order to avoid misleading or deceiving messages to consumers. They pointed out that, when the industry reaches a good state of maturity it can establish its own monitoring codes, and in that moment, it achieves adequate self-regulation because it enables each company to take care of its main asset, which is the reputational value.