ICPEN Presidency Colombia - Colombian Presidency 2019-2020


Colombian Presidency’s stategic points and goals

In July, the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce of Colombia was honored to receive the ICPEN Presidency from our colleagues of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission of Zambia. 
Since then, we have been implementing ICPEN’s Program of Work for 2019-2020 seeking to “guide consumers in the digital world”. 
During these past months, the Colombian Presidency has been coordinating ICPEN´s projects about:

i.    Unfair trading practices in the financial sector
ii.    Digital contract terms and conditions
iii.    Marketing practices directed to children in the digital world
iv.    Cross-border  enforcement cooperation and consumer complaints
v.    Consumer education  And
vi.    Unfair trading practices regarding digital platforms in the tourism sector


We are very pleased and thankful for all the hard work that ICPEN members and group leaders have been placing to successfully meet our objective to enhance digital consumer’s protection. 
We are strongly committed to keep working hard and conclude all the projects and objectives for the continuing development and growth of this wonderful network. 
My best regards from Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. 
Looking forward to seeing you soon in this wonderful city. 









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  • The working group on Unfair Trading Practices in the Financial Sector, which was led by the Competition Authority of Kenya and the Consumer Protection of Cyprus, delivered a Brochure guide for the use of ICPEN Members, Partners and Observers.


  • The working group on Digital Terms and Conditions (phase 4), led by the Consumer Directorate-General of Portugal and the National Service for the Consumer of Chile, delivered a report on an internal sweep activity done within the air travel sector.


  • The working group on Digital children lead by the Competition and Markets Authority of the United Kingdom along with the Norwegian Consumer Authority, concluded the ICPEN Principles on Marketing Practices directed to Children in the Digital World (publicly available soon).

  • The permanent E-consumer.gov project, created and guided by the Federal Trade Commission of the United States of America delivered the new interactive dashboard, which allows MoU Members to narrow down statistical information to make evidence-based decisions.


  • The working group leaders regarding Consumer Education, the National Institute for the Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property of Peru and the Swedish Consumer Agency organized the second version of the ICPEN Consumer Education Awards 2020.


  • The working group on Unfair Trading Practices in Digital Platforms in the Tourism sector, conducted a desk research seeking to find best practices in this area to then build the ICPEN principles that will be key to fight against deceptive actions endangering consumer rights.


In addition, the ICPEN Presidency 2019-2020 organized six (6) webinars in emerging issues that challenge most Consumer Protection Agencies around the world. With the amazing work and help of the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Sweden, Kenya, Norway, New Zealand, Portugal, Chile, and of course, the ICPEN Secretariat led by Belgium, he had the chance to train our Agencies’ staff in:












Furthermore, this Presidency organized two (2) events, a face-to-face meeting (ICPEN Conference and Best Practices Workshop) at the beautiful city of Cartagena D.T., Colombia, and a second, which was the first ICPEN Virtual Conference.

During the event in Cartagena, the Network had the opportunity to dialogue about topics such as (i) sales through social media, (ii) behavioral insights in consumer protection, (iii) unfair trading practices in various sectors of digital markets, among others.

Throughout this event, we had the chance to live unforgettable experiences, surrounded by Caribbean culture and food, laughing between cumbia and mapalé rhythms.

The SIC still has a month ahead holding the ICPEN Presidency, a month where there will still be chances to improve the work to “guide consumers in the digital world”, while remaining our team work and passion to serve consumers regardless of their nationality or geographical location.