Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio

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Superindustry seized 6,625 debtors who owe more than cop $390 billion in fines to the state

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter, SIC) activated a consultation link on its website , so that legal and natural persons may consult whether they have pecuniary obligations for sanctions imposed by the Entity, and that are already in the stage of coercive collection.

The objective is to advance in the collection of more than COP$390,000 billion pesos (approx. USD 115.454.679) owed by companies and individuals through 6,625 processes of coercive collection.

In this regard, the Superintendent Andres Barreto Gonzalez explained that, "the fines imposed by the Superintendence are a valuable mechanism for our surveillance and control work. Due to them, we are able to punish those who have violated the rules, as well as dissuade companies or people who think to act illegally against consumers. This is why coercive collection is so important, because it prevents debtors from removing these sanctions”.

The link for people to consult if they have outstanding obligations with the SIC is:

Regarding the processes being carried out by the Superindustry, it should be clarified that all of them correspond to sanctions that have reached the last instance, that is to say, that no recourse is available against them.