Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio

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SIC fined UBER with $ 2,128 million for obstructing one of its unannounced inspections

SIC fined UBER with $ 2,128 million for obstructing one of its unannounced inspections

The Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (hereinafter, SIC) sanctioned the company UBER COLOMBIA S.A.S. with a fine of COP$ 2,128,258,120 (approx. USD$ $629,000). The SIC proved that on the 13th of October, 2017 UBER managed to obstruct an unannounced administrative visit carried out by officials of the Deputy Superintendent for Competition Protection; additionally, UBER breached orders and instructions given by this Authority.

As the SIC has proven, UBER has a business policy through which its officials are instructed on how they should behave when dealing with the visit of an administrative authority, such as the SIC. For example, there are institutional instructions not to give information regarding the company or grant access to computers and other equipment.

"UBER acted in a disrespectful and obstructive attitude towards several information requirements made by the officials of the Deputy Superintendent for Competition Protection".

Also, UBER refused to hand over different corporate documents which have a direct relationship with the purpose of the inspection, i.e. Statutes, Minutes of assemblies, balance sheets, etc.

Through Resolution No. 34942 of 2019, the SIC imposed a fine to three natural persons who collaborated, executed the obstruction and breached the Superintendence's orders and instructions.

  • Natalia Patricia Caroprese Castro (2017 UBER COLOMBIA legal advisor) COP $14,906,088 (approx. USD$ $4.331).
  • Felipe Alberto Sandoval Villamil (2017 UBER COLOMBIA legal advisor) COP $ 24,843,480 (approx. USD$ $7.219).
  • Andrés Felipe Bedoya Sánchez (2017 UBER COLOMBIA's Manager) $ 4,968,696 (approx. USD$ $1.443).

Finally, it was found that these people submitted evasive and incomplete statements regarding their positions and functions within the company, as well as their knowledge regarding UBER COLOMBIA S.A.S. corporate structure.

This decision can be appealed against to the Superintendent of Industry and Commerce.