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The SIC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Mexican consumer authority (PROFECO)

The SIC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Mexican consumer authority (PROFECO)

On October 27, 2016, in the context of the Mexico's State visit to Colombia made by the President of that country (Mr. Enrique Peña Nieto), the Federal Consumer Protection Bureau of México (PROFECO, for its acronym in Spanish) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the SIC, to strengthen the preventive functions of both authorities on consumer protection.

To achieve the objectives of this agreement, Colombia and Mexico will implement cooperation activities through the exchange of experiences and information regarding the protection of consumers, as well as initiatives, legal and regulatory frameworks in the development of internal policies.

Thanks to this agreement, the parties will be able to exchange product safety information, including results from investigations carried out by laboratories, technical studies in this field or any other relevant information that can be of help in their decision-making functions.